Today's first Thinking Thursday task was to come up with a better classroom design. We did some math calculations, talked about arrays, and previewed the upcoming math skill "interpreting the remainder" to help us find ways to make this classroom work for all of us.
Students worked together to come up with designs that will help us focus, work collaboratively, and work independently when needed. We also want to use our "free space" so we can better access the library and work "around the room." We will put our plans into action this afternoon.
PROJECT ALERT: There is an "at home" Social Studies project due on NOvember 4. The project is posted on Google Classroom and I will also link materials on this website.
Gourd decorating party: October 25. Please bring in a gourd and if you can, an extra to share.
Halloween Carnival/Treats/ Costumes: A note was sent home yesterday.
There is no school tomorrow! Please do Lexia Core 5 and READ!